About WYK Co., Ltd
WYK Co., Ltd was officially allowed to use the name of WYK Co., Ltd on (19-3-2018) in accordance with the Myanmar Companies Law with Registration No. 22253 / 2017-2018 (Napata).
U Thura Aung was the managing director and Daw Shine April Phyo was the director for WYK Co., Ltd.
No.B / 364, Sea View Shopping Mall WYK Co., Ltd on the first floor of Myeik Township, Beach Road, Myeik District Administrator U Aung Kyaw OO Asst Prof.Mr. Thanawat Naigowit. Ph.D. (Minister-Counselor Commercial, Royal Thai Embassy and members of the Thai Embassy, Chairman U Tun Tun Win Myeik Tourism Entrepreneurs Association and Chairman Myeik Phone Entrepreneurs Association Managing Director U Thura Aung, Director Daw Shine April Phyo and Customer and Media opened at (15:30) on 27-9-2019.
Afterward, dinner was served to the attendees, and souvenirs were given to them.